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When you’re ready to give your project car a high-quality upgrade at an affordable price, Beatrush components and hardware from Modern Automotive Performance will help keep you on the road for miles and miles.

At Modern Automotive Performance, we started just like you. We messed around in our garages, making tweaks to our cars doing the best we could with what we had. We spent a lot of time and money working toward our first upgrades, installing them by hand and tuning them ourselves. We worked our 9-to-5s reliably, just so we could get back to the garage and, eventually, the track.

A division of Laile, Beatrush was born in 1993 with a mission to provide weekend track warriors high-quality, race-proven parts and components that don’t break the bank. From roll cages to license plate holders, each part will be a good investment into helping you prepare for your next race.

A heat shield or thermal barrier can help protect critical components from overheating. Underpanels provide protection to exhaust components and better aerodynamics for your vehicle. Exhaust manifolds help channel wasted air out of your engine to make way for the good stuff. There are so many ways Beatrush parts can help get you race ready.

So let us be your personal pit crew. Contact us and tell us all about what you drive, and how you want to drive it. Our mechanics will put their combined decades of experience to work for you, and tell you what kind of Beatrush parts can help get you where you want to go. We’ll pass on tips and tricks we’ve learned from our time on the track, and help you through installation and beyond with challenges you face.

We’re equipped to save you even more money with our low prices, outstanding shipping rates and Loyalty Rewards program. You’ll find more money in your pocket for your next weekend upgrade.